Join in The Gypsy Feet Halloween challenge.
Post a picture of your halloween feet on our facebook event album and let us guess who/what you dressed up as! Easy!
Then post a picture of you in your whole costume. Go on, it'll be fun!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
"Adventure" is our middle name... seriously, both of us!
I'm thinking up a grand Gypsy Feet photo challenge right now.
If you have any ideas leave a comment on our Facebook page :)
If you have any ideas leave a comment on our Facebook page :)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
DNA Feet
I share DNA with these feet.
I like walking with them because I can 100% be myself with no pressure, or no judgements.
It's so freeing, and kind of what being a gyspy is all about: exploring things with no preconceptions or forced rules. It's all about being you and doing what you want to do and going where you want to go and exploring and adventuring with whomever will help you be free to be who you really are.
I like walking with them because I can 100% be myself with no pressure, or no judgements.
It's so freeing, and kind of what being a gyspy is all about: exploring things with no preconceptions or forced rules. It's all about being you and doing what you want to do and going where you want to go and exploring and adventuring with whomever will help you be free to be who you really are.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Oot Scoot!
Here's a little taster from the rad Carla.
"We'd rather scoot than walk. Hearing the engine start when you've kick-started, your feet dragging on the ground as you shift into first gear, holding the scooter up at stop lights while making sure you still look rad. It's especially thrilling when wearing our Sunday best. Don't let your tie fly in the wind! Make sure your skirt stays down! Does my helmet match my dress? Our feet will forever travel in style, even if they get chilly in the ever changing seasons."
- Carla
Friday, October 23, 2009
I don't think you're ready for this jelly:
I really like to do fun things. Sometimes I want to do something that sounds like fun to me because I can see the potential in it but it sounds completely daft to someone else. I think this was one of those things.
Stuart only has one day where he gets home before 4.30pm through the week. That is the day I'd like to try have our adventures on. So this week I researched and chose wisely my adventure. The Jelly Belly Factory.
How could that not be fun? I think Stuart took me just to get me off his back, which I appreciate because I don't necessarily enjoy whining, not at this age. I do however enjoy sweeties and I know for a fact that he enjoys Jelly Bellies - specifically the Pomegranate ones - be careful not to get them mixed up with Cinnamon because I did that this morning and had to give myself CPR.
Now we know all about how Jelly Bellies came into existence and I am more than happy to share that knowledge with you but I won't spoil the tour for you so let me just say, Jelly Bellies are from heaven. They were completely inspired by angels. They are beautiful little beans of glory and you should go visit the factory. You won't be sorry. Amen.
They give you free candy on a FREE tour!!!
Stuart only has one day where he gets home before 4.30pm through the week. That is the day I'd like to try have our adventures on. So this week I researched and chose wisely my adventure. The Jelly Belly Factory.
Now we know all about how Jelly Bellies came into existence and I am more than happy to share that knowledge with you but I won't spoil the tour for you so let me just say, Jelly Bellies are from heaven. They were completely inspired by angels. They are beautiful little beans of glory and you should go visit the factory. You won't be sorry. Amen.
They give you free candy on a FREE tour!!!
Have you "bean"?
Was it like being in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory?
Was it like being in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Upon Reflection:
It's official. I'm taking charge of the way things are. I'm almost 25 and my life is feeling a little stale, a bit on the stagnant side. I feel like I'm watching other people on adventures that I want to be part of. So from now on no more whining or moaning. I'm making goals and I'll achieve them. Today I'm creating my Bucket List and it's going to be BRILLIANT!
I'm rededicating myself to The Gypsy Feet and I'm excited!!
I am in charge of my own reflection. It's my companion.
Do you have a Bucket List?
No? Make one.
Yes? Share it with me :)
Yes? Share it with me :)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Apple feet.
Most of my hours these days are consumed with working/playing/socialising/living/breathing/dancing for Apple.
Yes, I am now one of the electric blue t-shirted people that greet you with a smile and ask how you're doing, if you have any questions or need any help with choosing your new iPod, iMac, or MacBook.
It is actually (after the hard core training and settling in period) the best job I've ever had. The hours are amazing, the people are incredible and the work is far from boring, depressing, or monotonous. It is amazing.
The entire structure and business ethic of working there makes happiness.
And they gave me business cards that my feet (a tedious link) are modelling.
This is what occupies my days, and it is, in fact, part of 'the day in the life of...' ... me.
Yes, I am now one of the electric blue t-shirted people that greet you with a smile and ask how you're doing, if you have any questions or need any help with choosing your new iPod, iMac, or MacBook.
It is actually (after the hard core training and settling in period) the best job I've ever had. The hours are amazing, the people are incredible and the work is far from boring, depressing, or monotonous. It is amazing.
The entire structure and business ethic of working there makes happiness.
And they gave me business cards that my feet (a tedious link) are modelling.
This is what occupies my days, and it is, in fact, part of 'the day in the life of...' ... me.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
He ain't heavy, he's my brother...
This is a day in the life of my older brother, Andrew. He's going to take you on a little tour of his Saturday starting in our hometown on the East Coast of Scotland and you'll even be introduced to his lovely girl friend, Jenna...
The End.
We'd love to see a day in your life too.
Send them to us
Get as many people involved as you can.
I dare you :)
Send them to us
Get as many people involved as you can.
I dare you :)
Friday, October 16, 2009
This is home now.
Unpacked - mostly.
Making friends - I'm trying.
Husband happy and in school - completely.
Back in housewife mode - Yeppers.
Excited for life - 100%
Making friends - I'm trying.
Husband happy and in school - completely.
Back in housewife mode - Yeppers.
Excited for life - 100%
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Stamping Through National Parks
on a recent road trip from southern california to central oregon, i decided to pick up a couple of national parks passport stamps at sequoia & kings canyon national parks. before even entering the parks the landscape began to change, as i traded the barren california highway scenery for trees, trees, and more trees. there is just something about mountains and forests, isn’t there? fresh air is the perfect remedy for stress relief.
at every stop i made in the park, i was met with the most delightful smells. i don't know if clean air really has a smell but if it does, this would be it.
i stopped at the sentinel tree and the general sherman tree (the largest redwood in the world, by volume), but my favorite stop was an unexpected one. upon crossing over a lovely stone bridge, i noticed a group of people playing in the water below. i just couldn't resist, so i hiked down in my skirt and flip flops (perhaps not the best choice for the day), and did a little wading. i was surprised at how perfect the water temperature was - cool enough to be refreshing, but not so cold as to curl your toes. it was a wonderful break from the drive.
Friday, October 9, 2009
The fish spoke to me.
I believe we make our own luck but that doesn't stop me wishing on stars, eyelashes, birthday candles and other lucky wishing things. Coi fish symbolise courage, determination and overcoming struggles. Finding this pond of coi was lucky for me. It reminded me I need to work harder to overcome my own struggles.
I'm determined to make the most of life. I make my own luck.
I'm determined to make the most of life. I make my own luck.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I have a hobby...
I have many hobbies that could be deemed as strange. This one combines my political beliefs and photographing strangers.
I like to go to peace protest, and anti-war demonstrations, and nuclear disarmament marches... pretty much anything that combines home made signs, typography, a lot of interesting looking people from different wakes/genres/classes of society and passion for a cause.

The thing is, a lot of the time I have to go it a lone to these protest, and the best way to have the courage to do something on your own with a large group of people involved is to hide behind a camera.
I love these gypsy feet because I strongly believe that children brought up with values, passion and beliefs for something — for anything — and those that see their parents act and not just talk about them will grow up curious enough to develop their own well researched and strongly based passions, beliefs and opinions and act upon them also.
And passion for something outwith the material, fickle, consumerist, disposable realm, without a doubt, shapes character like nothing else can.
I like to go to peace protest, and anti-war demonstrations, and nuclear disarmament marches... pretty much anything that combines home made signs, typography, a lot of interesting looking people from different wakes/genres/classes of society and passion for a cause.

The thing is, a lot of the time I have to go it a lone to these protest, and the best way to have the courage to do something on your own with a large group of people involved is to hide behind a camera.
I love these gypsy feet because I strongly believe that children brought up with values, passion and beliefs for something — for anything — and those that see their parents act and not just talk about them will grow up curious enough to develop their own well researched and strongly based passions, beliefs and opinions and act upon them also.
And passion for something outwith the material, fickle, consumerist, disposable realm, without a doubt, shapes character like nothing else can.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Finding inspiration along my way...
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