Picture this. You're on a date. It's sort of a group date, but you are definitely paired off into couples, and you're with a really gorgeous guy that you barely know. You're walking down the street discussing heaven knows what when your date says, "I hate girls who wear high-heals. They're so pretentious." You look down at your 4 inch heals (that make you feel like a goddess) and surmise that either...
1. He has zero tact, zero boyfriend potential, and he doesn't like you.
2. You must be really steady on those shoes, good for you, and he can't even tell you're not 5 foot 10.
I'm afraid the former is correct. You can either...
A. Politely continue your date and then ignore his phone calls, if he even bothers.
B. Throw your heals at his head.
C. Lie. Say you don't even like wearing heals then marry the guy and be really short in all of your wedding photos, all because you're a people pleaser, and he's cute.
definitely take off the heal hold it in your hand and wack him in the head repeatedly. Don't throw the shoe it is more likely to get damaged, and heaven knows those are some gorgeous heels! :)
This is a fantastic story. I would go all single white female and hit him with the shoe.
How about "heels"- if you are going to wear them, learn how to spell it! Holy-Moly!
Holy-Moly is right! I'm in big trouble. If there is a spelling requirement attached to attire eligibility, I'm out of luck.
No more...
or sesspenders
Thank goodness I've learned the spelling for bra, though. :)
Wow, Fe-Lady, welcome to our blog. Glad you feel comfortable enough here to come right in and nit pick, we could be family! I'll be sure to visit your blog and do the same for you.
Gypsy Feet's about life and adventures, not spelling and grammar.
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