1. I'm a designer.
2. I'm a girl.
3. I'm a Glaswegian (from Glasgow, Scotland).
4. I travel.
5. I love my cat Zero.
6. I have a fantastic boyfriend who sadly lives in Salt Lake, or soon to be California... and long distance is terrible.
7. I have a younger brother, and older sister, one niece, a cousin who is close to me and about to drop another 'cousin', a mother who is Irish that loves potatoes and says things down the phone like 'Oh the Holy Ghost.'
8. I have some mega amazing girls in my life.
9. I have a bachelors with honours degree and a masters degree.
10. I love photography.
11. I love art.
12. I love design.
13. I love blogging. About life and design.
14. I have a pretty exceptionally blessed life.
15. I love to cook and bake.
16. I love to stencil.
17. I love to drink hot chocolate on a Saturday night in Starbucks.
18. I love to drink hot chocolate on any night.
19. I love herbal teas.
20. I love pasta with grated cheese.
21. I love Buffy the Vampire slayer.
22. I love vampire stories in general.
23. I love heroes, lost, ugly Betty, the oc, the green wing, pushing daisies.
24. My childhood movies are stand by me, the goonies, empire of the sun, watership down, cocktail (all tom cruise movies actually), and everything else amazingly 80s.
25. I've been to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Ireland, England, New York city, New York State, Philadelphia, Utah, Las Vegas, California, Canada (Niagara Falls), Mexico (Tijuana).
26. My long term goals are to make people happy and change the world.
27. I often like to believe that I am, in fact, a superhero.
28. I am Vikki Miller and I am a Gypsy... particularly on Wednesdays.
And that is the naked truth about me.
And these are my naked feet... on shaving day... which is today, because I'm in Utah, and it's hot outside and that means shorts weather.

love hearing more about you!
Vikki = Rad.
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