For more info. go here.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Muddy Buddies
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I love scrabble. I sometimes crave playing it.
I hadn't played properly in well over six months and last night was my first time playing again.
My brother and I watched dumb and dumber while scrabble-ing it up.
Although he won in the end, I technically helped with a lot of his words. I don't care about the winning so much, I just love making words.

I hadn't played properly in well over six months and last night was my first time playing again.
My brother and I watched dumb and dumber while scrabble-ing it up.
Although he won in the end, I technically helped with a lot of his words. I don't care about the winning so much, I just love making words.

Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Ice Ice Baby
I spent 10 and a half weeks with my love.
Now that we're apart, I miss him terribly, all I have are the memories until I see him again.
One of my memories among other things is Ice Skating. We first did it as a double date at the Olympic Speed Skating Oval in Salt Lake's West Valley. Although I hadn't been in years, and I wasn't very good I enjoyed finding my balance and working it all out – with him.
I liked it so much it was even my 'leaving evening' activity of choice.
The love of the ice.
Now that we're apart, I miss him terribly, all I have are the memories until I see him again.
One of my memories among other things is Ice Skating. We first did it as a double date at the Olympic Speed Skating Oval in Salt Lake's West Valley. Although I hadn't been in years, and I wasn't very good I enjoyed finding my balance and working it all out – with him.
I liked it so much it was even my 'leaving evening' activity of choice.
The love of the ice.

kira's gypsy feet

when i was a child i hated feet. i cannot think of anything i hated more. i know it is a strange fetish for a child, but it was definitely a fetish. i didn't want to see, smell or touch anyone else's feet. and i did not want them touching mine. my friends and family all knew of my fetish and they would constantly tease me by putting their feet on me. yuck.
in high school a good friend of mine was determined to get me over my foot fetish so every time we watched a movie together she would sit next to me and put her feet on me. it really really bothered me and she knew it did, which only egged her on. one day, i realized that the only way i would get her to stop is to act as though it didn't bother me. by acting as though i wasn't bothered i began to really believe that feet did not bother me. and wallah! i magically got over my foot fetish.
now i love feet and everything (well, almost everything) to do with them; pedicures, foot massages, get the picture. one day me and my feet stumbled across laura's blog and we have become bloggy friends. i think she noticed my many foot photos because she invited me to be a regular gypsy feet poster. so, here i am!
We are the dreamers of dreams...

There's no-one dreamier to me than my wee Cambi-man.
His imagination was equal to none.
His sweet cheekiness rivalled even my own. Ha!
His knowledge of dinosaurs would stand up to David Attenborough's.
I'm sure of it.
His imagination was equal to none.
His sweet cheekiness rivalled even my own. Ha!
His knowledge of dinosaurs would stand up to David Attenborough's.
I'm sure of it.
His break dancing wasn't very good but his enthusiasm made up for it.
He was bright eyed and bushy-tailed -
although he made sure we knew it wasn't "a tail" *ahem*
He's not mine and I know that.
I also know my heart can't detach from his.
He's my little pal.
I hate to write that in past tense.
He most certainly is alive and on this earth.
But people change.
People change people.
Change changes.
People changing changes other people.
Who do you adore?
He was bright eyed and bushy-tailed -
although he made sure we knew it wasn't "a tail" *ahem*
He's not mine and I know that.
I also know my heart can't detach from his.
He's my little pal.
I hate to write that in past tense.
He most certainly is alive and on this earth.
But people change.
People change people.
Change changes.
People changing changes other people.
Who do you adore?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
"Time may change me but I can't trace time..."

Mmmmhmm, changes. That's what's happening these days.
No more cushy, daily routine.
No more living on friends doorsteps.
No more walking home late at night.
No more drop of the hat photoshoot.
No more rolling around in the mud.
Less going with the flow.
More responsibilities.
More stress - I hope not.
More worrying about my biological clock.
No more wondering when schooling will end.
I love change but this is a big un.
Do you embrace change or loathe it?
What changes have you gone through recently?
How do you survive it?
No more walking home late at night.
No more drop of the hat photoshoot.
No more rolling around in the mud.
Less going with the flow.
More responsibilities.
More stress - I hope not.
More worrying about my biological clock.
No more wondering when schooling will end.
I love change but this is a big un.
Do you embrace change or loathe it?
What changes have you gone through recently?
How do you survive it?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Be a little boulder
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
The ones we love (part two)
Friends for the time, and longer.
*Photo tribute for Laura inasmuch as she left the following comment
on my love post:
"I love my girly friends that I met here in Rexburg. All of us seem to have names that begin with letters in the last part of the alphabet. I love that there's a common thread between us and that we all bring different things to the table but a lot of the same things too."
Laura, Rexburg will be a darkerer place come April. But at least we have THIS to look back upon.
People don't save people. Shoes do.

Out of the three of us I was the only one with shoes that had laces.
It was destiny.
It was destiny.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The ones we love (part one)
Kid at heart.
The owner of these feet is one of the great loves in my life. She tattoos her shoes. One might call her a flirt. The word "chillax" is in her vocabulary. She is fifteen, and I love her for it. No one brings out the child in me the way she does. The owner of these feet is my sister.
Who do you love? What do you love about them. Leave a comment and perhaps I will take a tribute photo, just for you.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Green – Post St Patrick's Day.

Whenever I come back to Scotland I always marvel and get excited at how green and beautiful the entire country looks. Flying into London, or into Glasgow makes me gasp with excitement and almost shed a tear of pride that I belong to something so incredibly beautiful.
Most tourists always remark at how green the place is, and I always laugh or scorn, but it's not until you've been to the western USA and you see how brown and desolate their beauty is that you realise that the green of the United Kingdom is stunning beyond all reason.
Today I went for a walk with my mother, and although it wasn't very scenic or exciting, it stirred up childhood memories and there really was a lot of green, which seemed appropriate for St Patrick's day being yesterday and the fact that my mother is Irish. Oh yes she yes.
shoe box:
St patricks,
United Kingdom
The birth of an addiction:

I vaguely remember picking these shoes out from our local Woolworths (RIP).
That may even be my earliest memory.
This is one of my favorite pictures of me from my childhood.
It was taken at the Harbour in Irvine, Scotland.
I was born in Irvine.
I wish my legs were still that tanned.
This is one of my favorite pictures of me from my childhood.
It was taken at the Harbour in Irvine, Scotland.
I was born in Irvine.
I also remember learning how to write in Primary School and I'd start every sentence on a new line.
The teacher asked me why I did that.
I thought that was how it was meant to be done...
I wish my legs were still that tanned.
The giver of life.
*Photo tribute for Kat & Paul inasmuch as they left the following comment
on my spring post:
"I love finding that warm patch of sun....especially the one that streams through the apartment window that makes you want to curl up like a cat and absorb its warmth."
The winter when my husband and I were engaged was the longest and coldest I remember. He was working in Oregon while I was in warm and sunny Idaho going to school. One day that I remember well, the sun emerged from amidst the clouds and said, "Megan, be happy and warm, I will comfort your soul." I laid in a patch of sun on the carpet for hours that day, moving around the room as the light changed. The giver of life. It is no wonder our Lord and Savior is known also as the Light.
Megan Marie
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Weekly Winner: Childhood - Just for Fun
We loved all the submissions for this weeks challenge. It was too hard for me to decide who would win so I had Mr. Laura pick the winner.
Honorable mentions first...
Honorable mentions first...

The winner is... Valerie!

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
When there's sunshine in your sole...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
New Born Feet:
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
"Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?..."
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Black and White winner iiiiiis...
We loved all the pictures submitted and are so excited to have people play along with us with our themes! It's so exciting to see the creativity and awesomeness of our Gypsy Feet fans.
The admirable mentions and runners up are these:
The admirable mentions and runners up are these:

We like to be fair and feature everyone. The winner though gets the biggest space... drumroll please....

"This is my attempt at playing the piano with my feet! I had such a laugh creating this one and my son was wondering what on earth Mummy was up to. I love to play the piano and teach it too and I'm so grateful for the talents I've been blessed with. Each of us has something to share and a little laughter to bring to the world... especially if we use our Gypsy Feet!!!!"
We love that Kirsty pointed out this: "Each of us has something to share and a little laughter to bring to the world... " SO true! It's important for us to be grateful for our talents and abilities always!
Another thought that came through the black and white theme is this: "...Winter to Spring, from death and sleep to birth and awakening, this season truly is "black and white"..." Love it!
Thanks everyone who took part. Check out our facebook for this weeks theme.
Another thought that came through the black and white theme is this: "...Winter to Spring, from death and sleep to birth and awakening, this season truly is "black and white"..." Love it!
Thanks everyone who took part. Check out our facebook for this weeks theme.
Gypsy Feet in Black and White
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
My Black and White Inspiration.
These are my favourite vintage shop find of 2008 and they just so happen to be black and white.
This is my black and white inspiration for everyone joining in the black and white challenge.

The heel is my favourite part.
This is my black and white inspiration for everyone joining in the black and white challenge.

The heel is my favourite part.
shoe box:
american apparel socks,
black and white,
vintage shoes
Life so doesn't get better than this...

Mr. Matthew,
This picture was a bit tricky because there is only one set of feet that I can call my sweetheart's and they're miles away from mine. I did some searching through old photos, worked some photoshop magic, and came up with a fine tribute, at least I think so.
I have a feeling you are the King of Spring,
Megan Marie
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
a gypsy dream
the trees are all ablooming...

*Photo tribute for Miss Dreamgypsie inasmuch as she left the following comment
on my spring post:
"My spring favorites?!?! Trees with flowers in FULL bloom.
My favorites are the pink and white! I'm smiling just thinking about it!"
Dreamgypsie, best wishes in your quest to live more, do more, and create more.
love stomps,
Megan Marie
say goodbye to this!
and hello to smooth legs and pedicured piggies.

*Photo tribute for Laura inasmuch as she left the following comment
on my spring post:
"In winter though I don't pay as much attention to my toe nails (or my hairy legs) so in Springtime I paint my nails a lot (and shave my beastly legs)..."
We're not blue, lily...

My tired, weary feet.
They get this way because of my loves.
My love for my kids (chasing after them, how I chase!),
My love for dancing around the living room (shoeless),
My love for really cute yet uncomfortable shoes (will do anything for cute shoes).

We stinkin' LOVE Blue Lily. When I told Megan Blue Lily was going to be our guest she actually died. Three times.
Dust off... everything. It's sort-of Spring! by Megan Marie

Spring top ten..
10. spotting yucky grass replacing snow
9. opening my windows
8. perusing clothing catalogues (then finding things like my favorites at a thrift store)
7. wearing shorts with heals
6. puddle jumping
5. leaving my appartment
4. pink blossums, pink smoothies, pink cheeks, just the color pink in general
3. reminiscing about last spring, and realizing it's my son's first on this earth
2. laughing at the college students making-out in random spots around the city
1. defrosting my hope
Leave a comment sharing your spring favorite and I might just take and post a tribute photo especially for you.
Friendship tattoo's

We moved from a nice soggy, green area to a brown, dusty area where our noses and lips would bleed constantly. We complained a lot about it.
We would leave every summer to work in the soggy land where minimum wage is much more than it is here. We'd go back to the 'restricted' life and fall back into our routine of being son and daughter in a home where we tried to reside by someone elses roles. And we'd long for our little stark white apartment that was always too dry.
We have 6 weeks left here now and are freaking out.
The picture to go with this post is one of my friend, Joy's tattooed ankle and the matching tattoo she drew on mine after they had left and came back to visit. They lived in the apartment below us for a long time. They moved away and then we moved for a summer and came back to live in the apartment which is directly across from where they lived.
Joy always had a hot apple pie candle on her burner that infused the stairwell with the delicious scent every time they opened their door. I burn that candle now and have been for so long that I can't even smell it any more. Hopefully it gives somebody's nose buds a treat when my door is open.
The tattoo washed away, the friendship has faded, the smell of the candle doesn't exisit in my nostrils anymore. I want all of them back though.
We would leave every summer to work in the soggy land where minimum wage is much more than it is here. We'd go back to the 'restricted' life and fall back into our routine of being son and daughter in a home where we tried to reside by someone elses roles. And we'd long for our little stark white apartment that was always too dry.
We have 6 weeks left here now and are freaking out.
The picture to go with this post is one of my friend, Joy's tattooed ankle and the matching tattoo she drew on mine after they had left and came back to visit. They lived in the apartment below us for a long time. They moved away and then we moved for a summer and came back to live in the apartment which is directly across from where they lived.
Joy always had a hot apple pie candle on her burner that infused the stairwell with the delicious scent every time they opened their door. I burn that candle now and have been for so long that I can't even smell it any more. Hopefully it gives somebody's nose buds a treat when my door is open.
The tattoo washed away, the friendship has faded, the smell of the candle doesn't exisit in my nostrils anymore. I want all of them back though.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Great Expectations.

"I spent 4 days in LA with my sister and a girlfriend visiting our other girlfriend. We found LA dreary and dismal, I mean the Hollywood Blvd we all see on tv is only 3 blocks long! Our highlight was Disneyland. But on our last morning, before our plane left, my local friend took us to Santa Monica Pier. It was gray out and smelly. And no one was around. But I did get some great photographs. And this one is my favorite. It sums up the highlights of the entire trip and our expectations for what we had hoped it would be. It’s my sister on the left and my LA friend on the right."

"I hate my feet… they are known as Damon Feet. A throwback to the Flintstone era inherited from our father’s family, our feet are wide and thick, and we all have them- brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles. So imagine my surprise when my beautiful baby boy is born and he has long thin feet with long toes! I love this picture with our wedding rings. He is only a week old, and still soft and squishy."
shoe box:
fan contribution,
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Queen Mary Jane of socks
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