Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The giver of life.

*Photo tribute for Kat & Paul inasmuch as they left the following comment
on my spring post:

"I love finding that warm patch of sun....especially the one that streams through the apartment window that makes you want to curl up like a cat and absorb its warmth."

The winter when my husband and I were engaged was the longest and coldest I remember. He was working in Oregon while I was in warm and sunny Idaho going to school. One day that I remember well, the sun emerged from amidst the clouds and said, "Megan, be happy and warm, I will comfort your soul." I laid in a patch of sun on the carpet for hours that day, moving around the room as the light changed. The giver of life. It is no wonder our Lord and Savior is known also as the Light.

Megan Marie


Laura said...

Yum. I love that.

It reminds me of when Stuart and I were married in Scotland and my passport didn't come back on time for me to fly out here with him. I was heartbroken - especially when he told me about the empty seat by him on the plane.

It was Easter time. We'd been married for 2 weeks and then he flew out here and we were apart for 4 days.

The day I left was Easter Sunday 2004. I got in the car at 4am. It was foggy and damp and cold and then I flew to Seattle where the sun was shining and it was warm.

I never really thought of it in the sense that you just posted about though but I think you're on to something.

Kat & Paul said...

Wow!This is awesome! I can't believe I just discovered this!