Sunday, May 31, 2009
Chucks - the bigger the better!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I spy with my little eye...

If I'm lucky and he has a Saturday off he sometimes surprises me with an adventure he's been planning all week. I love to see things. I'm the kid with her face pressed against the glass on a road trip. Trying to see everything. Always pointing to things we pass for husband to look at who always very kindly reminds me that he can look - which he would love to do - and we can die OR he can keep his eyes on the road and we can live. Even if I chose the first option it's too late because of his scripted answer. Life is good though.
Last Saturday he planned a trip to somewhere neither of us had been before. The Arboretum. The day was perfectly sunny. The flowers were beautiful. My hand holding partner was happy. I was happy. The water feature only added to my delight.
Who is your adventure partner? What's the best unplanned adventure you've been on? Is there a place you've been meaning to visit but haven't found time? - I challenge you to go! And send us a picture ;)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Like a Deer in Disco lights...
I know I don't need to convince you that she's great but we all know I love a good list so here goes...
Why I heart Doe Deere:
Her make-up and tutorials.
Her blog and creativity and beauty.
Her name and her zest and her pep talks.
Her thoughts and stories.

Be a Deerling and go visit her!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Yellow Brick Memories...

Sunday, May 24, 2009
"Ah got shot on the butt-tocks"

Saturday, May 23, 2009
With a twist.

Playing Twister and also Hide and Seek with my husband and little sister are some of my favorite memories ever.
One of my favorite memories of Twister was when two of my sisters were playing with husband and all were in awkward positions when one sister declared, "I'm going to *pump!" At that moment husband's head was extremely close to her bottom. The game lasted maybe one more second after her declaration. She won.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Strolly Poly.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Art Gallery
There were many interesting things at the art gallery, and the best part is that it was free.

These are my feet with my mother brother while we look at butterfly specimens.
Panda Expressions...

Growing up we'd sometimes get Chinese (or Indian) food as a treat, normally on a Friday or Saturday. It wasn't a frequent thing until we got older and were able to buy our own but we don't have Orange Chicken where I come from. My favorite and 'my usual' was Sweet and Sour King Prawn with Egg Fried Rice. Basically the best thing in the world. My older sister, Emma would always get Chow Mein and I always thought it looked slimey and gross until Panda Express. Now I'm like, "rice who?" YUM!
Panda Express has the best Orange Chicken - crunchy, crispy, zingy, sweet, sticky... but where's the Prawn Crackers? If it's not one thing it's another, right? Although, I think I'm happy to trade the crackers for the take-away boxes I always saw on American films. Love them.
What's your favorite take-away food?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
oh the places you'll go...

I never really imagined that the landscape around me could be any different than what I grew up with. Scotland is beautiful and I've seen glimpses of it as I've been here in Washington or traveled in Oregon. Idaho is nothing like any place I'd ever been before though and on the opposite end of that is Arizona - two extremes way beyond my mental capacity to imagine without experiencing it for myself first.
In Scotland the landscape is spotted with ruins of ancient buildings - castles, crofts, homes. There's a real sense of history there. The heather covered hills. The only place I've been so far that I feel that same historic spirit is Utah. Those mountains. Breathtaking. A different kind of history.
A couple of evenings ago I was standing out on the deck watching the sun go down and I heard a familiar sound. Geese. It felt like home but at the same time it was so foreign. Geese fly over Scotland in Autumn and Winter. They migrate to Canada. I've never heard geese in summertime before. It made me long for home but it also helped me accept that this is home now too.
I love this adventure.
snow shoes
Monday, May 18, 2009
It's nice in Nice.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
So I married an...

It was a bizarre thought and at first I thought, "Shame on me! How could I think such a thing?! My wedding day is a day I should cherish, forever and always. Prancing about in the garden in my dress is disgraceful!"
Then I was like, "Hey self, simmer down! It's just a dress and it is sort of a costume anyway. You spent a good few pounds/dollars on it! Congratulate yourself for wearing it more than once AND 5 years later, at that aaaaand for enjoying wearing it."
Now I think I'd have liked to have done things differently. To have had a photographer and a huge party and cute invitations and shoes and favours and a dress I actually liked and didn't buy just because it was on sale and stuff...
How strange it is to sort of regret not caring about the wedding.
I'm terribly happily married though. I can't complain about that.
Friday, May 15, 2009
The sun always shines on his birthday.

Before I make that sound any more weird than it already does let me explain the picture. For his 22nd birthday people were gone for the day and I wanted to do something special for him. We drove to Walmart to find a slip and slide but they were all out. It was such a lovely sunny, hot day - it was also a Saturday if I recall correctly. So we went home and decided to make one ourselves out of old snaily tarps that were lying around the garden. The fun was kind of short lived as I jolted my shoulder into my face as I slipped and slid. Other than that it was a magical birthday and one I'll top some time... when I think of something better than a slip and slide.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Don't let the sun go down on me...

The tradition that goes with this picture is this:
Y2K. My parents made plans to get up and go down to the beach to take pictures of the millennial sunrise. The first sunrise of the new millennium did not disappoint. It was absolutely beautiful and quite a lot of other people had the same idea to go take pictures of it. Since then it's something my mum and dad have done together every year.
I got married in 2004 and came to America. My husband was able to join in the early morning adventure in 2004 when he was visiting. After that we haven't been able to join in until this last New Year when we were in Scotland again. It's something I've missed. Bringing in the New Year surrounded by family. So tired and excited. I'm not a very emotional person but there's something absolutely completely magical and sacred about watching the sun rise on a new year.
I have a picture frame on my wall. The top picture is a beautiful red and orange New Year sunrise taken in 2002 and beneath that is a lovely blue and green sunrise of New Years morning 2004 with husband and I clinging to one another with ginormous smiles plastered on our chattering, frozen faces.
I found him in 2002 and married him in 2004 (that's his foot on that first morning of 2004 at that beach). It seems extremely appropriate that those two pictures go together.
New beginnings. Adventures. Challenges. So many memories. New traditions of our own.
What are your favorite family traditions? Have you incorporated your childhood traditions into your grown up life? Made new ones all together? I want to hear about it!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Feet rock, especially hers.

"I never knew feet could be so interesting, and....cute! Probably because i've lived with monster man/hand feet my whole life.
I have come to terms though and decided that my feet are the best when they are dirty and bare...cause that means i have been living ;) The dorkiest thing is that for years i wouldn't even show my feet!! Now i couldn't even care less...they take me places!! Run races, jump on beds, play footsies, and even pick up laundry. Basically, feet rock!...especially mine ;)"
Monday, May 11, 2009
Shiny, foot-happy people...
Sydney, Australia
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Aging Feet

Friday, May 8, 2009
Follow the golden stripe road.
There's not one second of my life that the cousin of mine hasn't been alive for and that I've not known her during.
Instead of giving us jewellery that we would never wear, our bridesmaid gifts were personal to us. I received these golden shoes. GOLDEN STRIPPED SHOES.
Weeks later, I was overwhelmed with the summer events – the stress, the busy-ness, the impending future – and I went to a graveyard that I had previously found in a park behind my house in Dundee.
On top of a really steep hill hidden under the trees I sat in a spot of sunlight that was breaking through the leaves. It was one of the most peaceful times in my life – being completely alone, but feeling like there was a thick peaceful happiness; stillness; and spiritual calm. The graves round about were mixed in age. Some had messages of love, some told the basics, others were steeped in icons and emblems from a life now gone. There was love and grief mixed in this completely desolate area. And the sun was perfect.
The summer is coming back, and it's time for a little more golden sparkle in my life.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Interview with not-a-vampire:

There's been a few times I've wanted to spill my Twilighty guts all over the place, at Girls Night usually because my Mr is tired of hearing my griping and complaining. But they'd see my guts are not dazzling but a little more Lord Voldemort-ish. The thing is I love to complain about it as much as others love to lust over it. There's been a few times I've had to try and swallow my tongue to keep control of my Twilight Tourettes. Twilight lovers are people I really don't want to get in a fight with. Can you even imagine how that would end? Probably with me having my head ripped off and thrown in a fire.
I was embarrassed and sort of humiliated when husband dragged me out at midnight to get the film the second it was released. Bless his heart. He thought it was one of those times that 'no' actually meant 'yeeeees!!'. It didn't.
Sure, I was super pumped to go see the first film and totally did want to go see it opening night but only because it'd be with some of my favourite people, and it was my birthday and I was excited. I didn't see it opening night but another night and it was too much fun. It probably wasn't even legal.
Sure, I posted all the trailers on my blog - and I'll do the same again. I'm out of control. I won't however, ever, ever, EVER see Breaking Dawn. I'll never recommend that book and I'll never post trailers or anything about that on my blog. EW! I try not to ever use the word 'hate' because it's like a swear but I hate Breaking Dawn.
Breaking Dawn can eat my shorts!
Go add your tuppence to the Gypsy Feet movie inspired challenge on Facebook.
PS. You can thank my little cousin Jennifer for this rant. She started it!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
megan's summer playlist
This is not what I had in mind.

She taught me my gypsy-ish ways...

"Take loads of pictures and be famous." "Make it a Wonderful Life."
I love you mum and I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise of never leaving home and staying with you forever and ever - is that why you sent me to America the first time? You beast! It's all becoming clear! I'll talk to you about this later ;)
Send us your mother inspired lists and pictures.
I want to teach the world to sing...

I make a summer list every year of things I want to do so when I have a quiet moment I can't say "I'm booooored!" I just look at my list and find something to do. You can see the beginnings of my 2009 list here and Megan's here. (If you make your own list let her know.)
On the topic of summer and lists I want to see what 10 songs you'd make your summer 2009 playlist. Email them to us to be posted - don't forget to include a gypsy feet picture too.
Here's my list - for now:
1. Don't Stop Me Now - Queen
2. Big Girl - Mika
3. My Hands are Shaking - Sondre Lerche
4. Ruby - Kaiser Chiefs
5. Lullaby - Jack Johnson & Matt Costa
6. Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop - Landon Pigg
7. Starlight - Muse
8. Mona Lisa - The All American Rejects
9. Lovebug - Jonas Brothers (I like it OK!)
10. Potential Breakup Song - Aly & AJ
these feet are made for jogging
Monday, May 4, 2009
Just keep on walking...
The anti-feet one:

i hate feet. not sure why i’m still harboring this decades-old disgust for such a helpful body part, but there you go: i’ve outed myself as a foot hater. i’m a little nervous as to the reaction i’ll get from all of you gypsies out there, but i’m not backing down.
maybe this hatred stems from always feeling embarrassed over my wide feet and long, crooked toes. but seriously – feet are nasty, no matter who they belong to. they sweat, they smell, people usually develop some form of fungus on them, they get ingrown toenails, they’re usually dirty. ughhh. i’m shivering right now just thinking about feet.
i honestly see no appeal in the appendages other than being a tool to get me from point a to point b. i do like to paint my toenails fun colors, and of course like any girl i love to dress them up in cute shoes. but do i want to get a pedicure? no – i’ve tried that twice in my life and both times got yelled at for being too jumpy [my feet are ticklish! probably because they’re not used to being touched]. do i want to rub my husband’s feet? definitely not [sorry, babe]. bottom line: i don’t want you looking at my feet and i don’t want to look at yours. Period.
however, i’ve noticed contributors to this blog have a tendency to take pictures of their feet at some special occasion or in some memorable location, which typically involves pointing the camera downward. i have a photo fetish too [and one that induces much less dry heaving]: i like to take pictures of the sky. for some reason, my whole life i have loved to point my camera up at the giant expanse of sky and try to capture the openness and beauty up there. i don’t even have to include people or faces in my pictures – i can see any “random sky” picture saved on my computer and instantly remember where i was when i took it. i just feel this need to save a particular moment – which i think is the purpose of this blog too, just portrayed in a different way.
maybe i DO have something in common with all of you foot-lovers – maybe it doesn’t matter whether we’re taking pictures of gross feet or beautiful clouds, pointing our cameras down or up. maybe all that matters is that we are IN the moment, living our adventure, and we want to remember that.
so here you go – my photo contribution shows you one moment, looking up AND looking down [but without the nasty toes]. this is a shot of the LA sky that I love, along with the most revealing foot picture i can allow for all my new gypsy friends. let’s both enjoy our adventures – but stay the heck away from my feet while you do it :)
PS. You need to visit again because that's one of the sweetest Gypsy Feet pics I've seen. ;)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Kilted Gypsy
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Vegan shoes meet Mr. Snail:

I complained of being bored and the next thing I know husband is telling me to pack my bag with things an adventurer would pack and dress the part.
Naturally, I grabbed my hot pink gerber daisy anywhere clip and clipped it to myself.
I couldn't find a rope so I grabbed a length of rope lights.
A trowel, 2 belts, 3 kirby grips/bobby pins, a baggy of crackers and a notebook and pen.
It was raining so I took my brolly too.
I slung the rope lights around my shoulder Indiana Jones style and was ready.
On our way we noticed so many slugs and snails - perfect because I couldn't think of what to do for my Gypsy Feet picture today.
I like snails.
I like their cheeky little eyeballs and their fancy little shells.
I like the glittery goo trail they leave behind.
I love that they don't bite or sting.
I used to like pigs but now they're giving every one the flu.
I hope snails don't start doing that.
Friday, May 1, 2009
I freakin LOVE summer!

My favorite spot on the lawn.
Sunbeams tickling my skin.
Toasty red skin.
Dancing light on the inside of my eyelids.
Salty drops of glittery moisture on my skin.
Hair being bleached by the sunshine.
Rustling leaves.
Cloudless sky.
Flip flop tan lines.
Summer, I love you.
What are your favorite things to do outside in the summertime?